2018 Golf Outing
Hope Food Pantry

Animal Well-Being

As farmers, we know we have an ethical obligation to the birds in our care. At Center Fresh Group, we know that providing for the health and well-being of our flocks is not just the right thing to do, but it is also vital to ensuring that the eggs and egg products we offer our customers meet the highest standard for safety and quality.

Our full-time veterinarian oversees our disease prevention, flock health and worker animal care training programs. And, we continually monitor and improve our flock health and well-being practices whenever possible; adopt new technologies as they prove to improve flock well-being and provide our birds daily with:

  • safe barns that protect them from predators, disease and bad weather
  • access to appropriate nutrition and clean water
  • health programs created by veterinarians and designed to protect their health and well-being
  • a living environment that provides adequate room for our birds to move
  • a clean environment and daily removal of manure

Comprehensive employee training in animal care and handling combine with third-party audits to assure our customers that we are meeting our commitment to our ethical obligation to the hens in our care. Where appropriate, our employees are HAACP-certified and SQF-trained. And, as part of our UEP guidelines, our animal care practices are subject to annual third-party audits by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service or Validus.